Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Clues Are In The Book--Can You Find It?

Zachary Taylor Wilcox died on December 31, 1926. He was buried in Carson City, Nevada, at Lone Mountain Cemetery.

Part of Zack, that is, was buried there.

Crown Prince of the Whiskerinos, available on and other online bookstores, details the sequence of events, the Whisker Will, newspaper articles, goings on at the mortuary, and the involvement of Sacramento's city leaders in the controversy.
Years of searching has failed to locate this famous beard in a box. The author hopes someone can help locate Zachary's beard and reunite it with him.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Anyone Interested in Solving this Mystery?

The answer may still be lurking on microfilm.

January 3, 1927, Sacramento Bee

January 8, 1927, Sacramento Bee

These are the dates of the last known newspaper articles discussing the final resting places of Zachary (Lone Mountain Cemetery, Carson City, NV) and his beard (which was boxed in preparation for shipment to Sacramento). The "white elephant" article is published in Crown Prince of the Whiskerinos. The answer may still be on the pages of the Sacramento Bee or the Carson City Daily Appeal).

The author has spent many years searching for clues to the end of this story. The goal is merely to find then reunite Zack with his beard in a public ceremony at Lone Mountain Cemetery.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Visit the Carson City Website for Article about Zachary Wilcox

Zachary Taylor Wilcox is featured on the Carson City website as part of the city's "The rich, the lost and the forgotten."

Here is a link to the site, which includes excerpts from Zachary's Last Will and Testament.

See the Man, See the Beard

An actual newsreel of Zachary Taylor Wilcox is available for free viewing at British Pathe. The title of the newsreel from the 1920s is "The End of the Chase". Film ID 996.12. Zachary is on the right on the film on the bridge and on the left in the yard. The other person in the filmstrip is Hans Langseth who had the world's longest beard. His beard is at the Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Old Sacramento Family Names

Check out the index of Crown Prince of the Whiskerinos. You may be surprised to find your ancestors were members of the Whisker Club of Camp '49 or the Whiskerette Club of Camp '49. The book contains many historic photos and legal documents for the clubs.